Ultraviolet Reflectance Imaging
UV Reflectance imaging is the recording of the UV reflected from a subject. It requires a UV sensitive camera, UV transmitting lens, UV transmitting filter and a UV "light" source.

Sunflower (Helianthus sp.) in visible and UV ("white balanced")

Suntan lotion

Rudbeckia "Lemon Toto" in visible light and "bee vision"

Beggarticks (Bidens sp.) in visible light and UV

Footprint on wooden floor revealed by UV reflectance imaging

Brimstone Butterfly (Gonepteryx rhamni) in visible and UV reflected light.

Portrait using UV reflected (left), visible light (centre) and infrared techniques (right)

Marsh Marigold (Caltha palustris) in visible and UV reflected.

Marsh Marigold (Caltha palustris) in visible light, UV and "bee vision"

Sarracenia x Swaniana x (x mitchelliana). Visible light and UV

Rudbeckia "Toto Lemon" in visible light, UV and "bee vision"

Nepenthes reinwardtiana

Yellow Iris (Iris pseudacorus) in visible, light, UV, and "bee vision"

Parides (Papilio) aeneas, from Peru

Belus Swallowtail: Battus belus, from Peru

"Red Flasher" Panacea prola (underside of wings) Peru

Rudbeckia hirta "Prairie Sun": Visible, UV and "bee vision"

Tar Spot Fungus (Rhytisma acerinum) on Sycamore leaf. Visible and Ultraviolet Reflected.